Kovid Kookies: An Essential Roadtrip Food June 13, 2022Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies: Use in Case of Emergency.
Tiny Vacation Apartment Cooking: You Can Do It June 13, 2022Heading out to a tiny kitchen for summer vacation? Take along these condiments and spices and you'll feel right at home.
Butterscotch Refrigerator Cookies April 18, 2022Butterscotch Refrigerator Cookies for cookies in a flash from the freezer.
Camp Cooking January 18, 2022Nothing like Camp Cooking. It means you only have to be Camp Clean, in your outdoor Camp Kitchen, with easy-to-make Camp Meals. Guilty Secret? Sometimes I cook Camp Meals in...
Summer Will Come: Camp Nacho Recipe January 18, 2022On this cold gray day in January, I wanted to remember great summer camping trips we've had in the Rocky Mountains. So I wrote up this ad-hoc-but-fabulous recipe for Camp...